Welcome to Heart of Romania's Children Foundation

Romania is country that is rich in culture and heritage, but home to some of the poorest and most vulnerable children in Europe. In the wake of a communist regime that squandered away much of the wealth and opportunity in Romania, tens of thousands of orphaned children are forced to live on the streets and fend for themselves.

These children have an immediate need for food, shelter, and medical attention. They also need the education, job training, emotional care, and hope that can only come from years of love and attention. The Heart of Romania Children's Foundation helps to fulfill the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of these children by bringing donations of food, money, and medical supplies to the orphanages and medical clinics that serve these forgotten victims.

We have an ongoing need of volunteers and donations to help us meet our goals of bringing hope and well-being to the children. Because we are entirely staffed by volunteers, and because the needs in Romania are so dire, you can be assured that 100% of your donations will be used to meet the most basic needs of the most vulnerable children. Explore our site to learn more about our organization and how we carry out our mission, and then please find it in your heart to contribute to our cause.

Ways to Help the Children

While monetary donations are the simplest way to help our cause, we are also in need of volunteers, medical equipment, transportation services, and more. Click here to find out how to help.

Foundation's Objectives

In addition to fulfilling basic needs such as feeding, clothing, and sheltering the homeless children of Romania, We strive to give them the skills and support to become productive members of society.

How you can be a Volunteer

By volunteering your time and abilities in either the United States or Romania, you can make a huge difference in the lives of the children. Click here to learn how your efforts can help.


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