Our Charitable Projects

Your charitable donations go directly to help with the following projects to help Romanian children:

1. Establishing a project for homeless children, living in sewers and on the streets. We want to be able to help children, the elderly and families in crisis.

2. Building schools in targeted areas, with cafeterias so that the students may have a place to eat during school hours.

3. Building clinics that will assist the physical (immunization shots, first aid), psychological, and spiritual needs of our children.

My future plan is to build a rehabilitation center. My particular area of focus is on rehabilitation skills and vital equipment for therapy, which is in short supply in Romania. There is a tremendous need for rehabilitation skills.

Operational Goals

How we intend to meet the needs of Romania's children, both now and in the future.

Our immediate goal is to purchase, rent, or construct a building in order to offer homeless children the security of a home and a bed of their own, and to guide them to a vocational education. Some day, we may be able to prepare our brightest children for one of the Romanian universities. By giving nourishment, warmth, and love to the children whose lives we touch, we allow them to succeed as citizens of the world, and as craftsmen of the mind as well as of the hands.

Heart of Romania's Children has many special future projects planned for the next year. We cannot start any of them without your support. In order to start the construction, we need you to make a monthly commitment. All of these goals are meant to fulfill great needs, and are important parts of our cause.

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